Keep the Faith!

Leaders, warriors, sometimes need a break.

I have a wonderful opportunity this week as I get to present this year at the Nursing Management Congress 2015. I will have the honor of presenting a topic to nurse leaders of all levels on 3 professional development topics of job satisfaction, feedback, and bullying. I don’t take this responsibility lightly. When you can positively impact the leadership of other leaders, it can only benefit the profession. We need it. We also need the respite from the daily grind of our jobs that a conference like this offers.

Leaders who need a break have become more evident to me these past 2 weeks. I have had a few phone calls and long emails from other leaders who are just…done. Whether the challenges are related to an organizational issue, resources, personnel, family, or personal issues, the feeling of being overwhelmed is prevalent. And some just feel downright attacked.

If you have been in any leadership position long enough, the “under attack” feeling almost becomes a normal state. Right, wrong, or indifferent, it appears to be a normal part of the life of a leader today, especially in healthcare. And too many times, when we need some help, we are the last to ask for that help.

Leaders today must balance the world on their shoulders. That is the job. There is no fanfare, no parades, rarely any positive form of recognition, and a constant evaluation on how you are doing in the job. Many, no matter the situation, will always find something wrong or that you could do better, and they are not usually quiet about telling you or the entire staff. But you can do it!

Let me tell you something, today, you are safe. One of the reasons I started this blog was to help provide a positive opportunity for leaders, nurse leaders, to grow in their profession. RN2Leader is to be a safe place to learn, interact, lead, ask questions, and to grow. The line of individuals to harshly critique you, intentionally or not, is traditionally not a short one. You have weathered that storm before and will again, have no doubt. But there are times when even the bravest warrior needs a place of rest.

Take that rest today, or soon. You deserve it and more importantly, you need it! Here are 4 steps to help you start to take that rest so you can keep the faith and to provide excellent leadership:

  1. Find a safe outlet. Find another leader of trust you can build a relationship with to share in the good and bad times of the job. Carefully select this person so you have safe and protected conversation. You also need someone who will give you honest feedback.
  2. Create another life. Not Jason Bourne, but one in which you develop yourself and your identity outside the job. Take a community college course on British literature, take up an adult swim class, create a blog, coach that little league soccer team. This is about valuing yourself and to provide you depth and growth. It also allows you to grow as an individual and see the world from a different perspective.
  3. Become a student. Maybe it is time to take a class and work on another degree, certification, or professional development for your organization. It could be time for a CEU conference for your development. The opportunity to allow yourself to absorb and engage in education provides new ideas and potentially opportunities to solve tough situations where solutions before seemed unimaginable. Who knows what new lessons you will learn!
  4. Membership has privileges. Professional organizations such as your state nursing association, a clinical nursing organization, or a practice council at your organization might provide you some personal and professional development needed. Giving back to your profession and helping to develop new leaders pays dividends in 2 ways. First you are positively influencing the future to raise up better future leaders. Second you are growing yourself when you give to others.

Today, you have permission to take a step off the crazy train and know…you are supported. Take 1 or all 4 steps above and become acquainted one more time with the leader you are, the leader you want others to know, and a leaders others want to be. You have it. Keep the faith and don’t give up. We need you!

Leading with you


Dr Dean Prentice

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