Dream Leader: Powerful Dream Leaders

As we enter a new year, I really wanted to boost my energies and focus for 2019. Isn’t that what we do at the beginning of the year? Well as I have made many transitions this past year like many of you, it seemed reasonable. For years, one of the parts of my life which I have appreciated is the fun I have to dream about what “could be” for me.

Dreaming for a leader is vital to growth and success.

Let me say there is a difference between the dream and a vision. They are meant to be compatible. Yet to say you were dreaming about the future sounds like you are not a serious leader. Besides who sits around and dreams? You should, that’s who. The dream should be the foundation for where you are going with your life.

For to many leaders, the time they spend dreaming about the future and then doing something about it is not well documented or highlighted. As leaders, we are people of action. Well we should be at least. In this world of action though, dreaming about what could happen is not considered by many as a valuable skill set. Without spending some dreaming about what “could be” means you spend too much time focused on now without future plans. The Dream is where you want to go in the future to fulfill your purpose. The purpose you were uniquely created for in life. This dream should be so intertwined in who you are and where you are going in life. To be honest, this series is going to be more about taking care of you as a person, so you as the leader can flourish.

First there is a dream, then there is a vision. They intricately interwoven together.

It takes a lot of courage to be a dreamer. Dreaming does not mean every dream is working at the same time. Or you may have to wait to make the dream a reality depending factor in life. And many dreamers have stopped dreaming for many reasons: fear, lack of faith, a desire to fit in, too busy, or not wanting to rock a boat. Many are real struggles for leaders. Let me give you permission now to begin, or begin again to dream about the future.

For your dreaming to make an impact in either your personal and then your professional life, you need to consider the model you have for your life. As an example, for me it has always been about educating myself as the whole person; the value I have is taking care of the body, the mind, and the spirit. So as I move forward personally and professionally, I consider options based off of its impact on my body, my mind, and my spirit. 

Dreaming is what sets you apart as you decide to grow yourself. I believe without exception that if you are not developing yourself personally, you will never fully experience success in your professional life. Many organizations say they want you to be the “whole person”, but many don’t value you developing your personal side. If you don’t make it a priority, who will?

So this brings us to this new series we will begin on becoming a Dream Leader. Over the next 8 blog posts, we are going to cover 8 Keys to Living the Dream. But this dream needs to be your dream, a dream you have for your life. If as a leader you need to boost yourself to be a better leader for your team and organization, then it’s time to invest in a dream. Unlike all other tasks you tackle normally, this one needs to be about you. Let’s take care of you, the leader for the next 8 blog posts. 

We want to be deliberate in our approach to dreaming. The 8 Keys to Living the Dream will assist you in putting a format to you moving forward. Some of the steps we will cover will be looking at your dream discovery, working on creating a dream action, watching out for dream thieves, and helping others dream and dream big. So get ready to start with us.

Dreams are important to your life. As a person and leader, you need to invest in yourself and your dreams. As you know, I love inspirational quotes. Here are two to keep you moving forward as we look at the 8 Keys to Living the Dream.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt

A dream doesn’t become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work.Colin Powell

Leading with you!


Take a moment and send this to a colleague who could use encouragement.

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Dr Dean Prentice

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