Dr. Taylor’s 25 Successful Leadership Habits to Start 2016

Dr. Eunice K. Taylor is an Associate Professor of Nursing Instruction at Owensboro Community and Technical College in Owensboro Kentucky. Dr. Taylor, a retired Air Force Nurse Corps officer, earned her PhD in Philosophy of Nursing Education, holds 2 Masters Degrees, a Bachelor’s Degree, and received her Diploma in Nursing from Freedman’s Hospital School of Nursing. Her expansive clinical career includes roles as a NICU and flight nurse, a Public Health Nurse in Canberra Australia, and in adolescent medicine at National Children’s Hospital Center in Washington DC. Dr. Taylor’s military career included 20 years serving her country where she participated in and supported numerous US Military Operations to include deploying to Southwest Asia as Flight Commander of the aeromedical evacuation element in Saudi Arabia supporting Operations SOUTHERN WATCH AND VIGILANT WARRIOR. Dr. Taylor can be reached at eunice.taylor@kctcs.edu!


John Quincy Adams said: “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

There are no hard fast rules of leadership…it can be what you make it. You can Google the term and read about leaders and leadership from some of the greatest minds known to date. There are some that say there are “natural born leaders” and others that say “leaders are made not born”. This is like the chicken and the egg: which came first? I will not debate this here. One has to make up their own mind about that. But a leader is one who leads. They make mistakes and learn from them; then they share what they have learned with others. A leader takes care of those above, below and beside them. They check their egos at the door and get to work.

“Leadership….” according Gen Colin Powell, USA Retired, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, U.S. Secretary of State…. “is all about people….and getting the most out of people. It is about conveying a sense of purpose in a selfless manner and creating conditions of trust while displaying moral and physical courage”  (https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/colin-powell-never-show-fear-or-anger).

As nurses we have to learn to lead from the front. Our clients demand and require this. We are their advocates. We have to know how to actively engage them in their care while ensuring they receive culturally competent care from us and all the healthcare providers. This is the challenge in nursing…and while I do not have all the answers; the journey towards finding them can be a learning experience in itself. So here are some things I have learned along the way and thought I would share with you. These are not earth quaking thoughts…most are just ahhh-haaa moments

Taylor’s Rules for Nursing Leadership:

  1. If you want to get noticed…learn to color outside the lines or outside the box…it is where we live. If you always color inside the lines or within the box, you will never venture to see what wonderful things and the people that are out there.
  2. Never stop asking questions…there is no such thing as a stupid question in nursing; but when you find your answer to your question, make sure you can apply it.
  3. Plan your work and work your plan…no one like’s disorganization. So set goals early…daily…weekly…monthly. Whatever it takes to keep you on track to succeed with your work & in your life.
  4. IF you value your reputation…have integrity and never lose it. One’s reputation is very difficult to get back once it is lost.
  5. Solicit feedback frequently, even from those who may get on your last nerve. Nothing hurts any more than to find out at the last minute or after working on a project you’ve been doing something wrong. All the benefit is lost not to mention the time and effort you have spent.
  6. Practice self-reflection…it is not a waste of time; rather it helps you to keep perspective.
  7. Be flexible…sometimes it is easier to bend with the wind than to stand firm against it & to fall on your sword.
  8. Be willing to learn…find a mentor.
  9. Be willing to accept defeat…graciously…then learn from it.
  10. Aim High…but know your limitations and do not exceed them.
  11. Be accountable…don’t waste good.
  12. Take time for the small things…the big things will generally take care of themselves.
  13. Be inspirational and a visionary…nurses lead from the front of the pack. We make a difference in the lives of thousands….millions.
  14. Know your weaknesses before someone points them out to you.
  15. Give direction and be willing to receive direction. Remember: communicate…..communicate…….communicate.
  16. Listen and silent have the same letters…exercise them both.
  17. Be supportive and mentor your young.
  18. Seize every day and make it count—don’t waste good.
  19. When you make a decision…stick to it…don’t waffle or second guess yourself. But remember sometimes you are wrong…own it.
  20. Always keep your boss informed.
  21. Always look for ways to improve.
  22. Have a purpose and be passionate about it.
  23. Give back.
  24. Play well in the sandbox; remember somebody just might kick the sand in your eyes.
  25. Empathize with others…they will remember that

Dr. Eunice K. Taylor


Thank you Dr. Taylor!  Leaders, these are 25 fantastic ways to begin refreshing your leadership in 2016! Please leave your comments at RN2Leader.com or at our Facebook page.  Dr. Taylor has included her email at the top in her short Bio if you wish to reach out to her directly!

Leading with you,


Thanks for reading. Share this link, “Like” us on Facebook, and visit us at RN2Leader.com!

Dr Dean Prentice

One Response to “Dr. Taylor’s 25 Successful Leadership Habits to Start 2016

  • Darlene Foley
    9 years ago

    Always good to be reminded of the basics! Good read.

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