The Series: Behavior Change to Successful Habits

Starting on January 5th, I am beginning a new series on behavior decisions you can make which would impact you forming successful habits. It’s the beginning of a new year. Resolutions come and go. I have asked some leaders in specific areas to help with this series and guest author several of the post. The goal is to provide you the leader, the opportunity to grow in your leadership by looking at changing some behaviors. Change the behavior, change the habit.

This is not about resolutions which are made and broken before mid-January. This is about you the leader looking for opportunities to grow your leadership. Something in this series is specifically for you. Your first challenge is to participate in the series and determine which of the habits you would like to create to make you a better leader. Some of the habits may not apply, you have already mastered them so continue the good work. Others may be a real weak spot for you, now is the time to change a behavior to create successful habits.

I will say, I believe you will enjoy your diverse guest authors, all of whom have a special passion for the area they are authoring. Please comment on their posts and share your experiences and ideas. We grow when we all participate.

I hope this series will bless you and your leadership and set you up for a fantastic 2016!

Leading with you!



Dr Dean Prentice

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