Self-Motivation and Christmas

It is Christmas time!

This can be for some a very magical time of the year. For others, for many reasons, it can be a difficult time. My prayer is for a peaceful and joyful time for you.

It has been an amazing journey so far in writing this blog for the past 4 months. There are days I wonder if it is making a difference? I ask myself to evaluate if I am doing anything worth any value? Is it positively impacting anyone’s leadership? Should I continue to invest my time in research and writing for this blog?

My answer to all of this is…Yes!

I started this blog for many reasons; one was to help other leaders grow. Only you know if that is happening for you. Another was for professional development for me and additionally as an outreach to nursing and other healthcare leaders.

Like in your leadership, sometimes you have to look in to see an impact or value. Outward rewards, recognition, or positive affirmation may never come. During those times, you have to rely on your internal motivation.

I had the extreme pleasure of doing a step aerobics class the other day with my teenage daughter. Now, I have to constantly remind myself I am not a teenager and as such, need to adapt what I do accordingly. I am still learning that along with a Costco size bottle of Motrin. As we were sweating through our class, our perky little pixie of an instructor (and why does she have to remind fat people to breath, I do it quite nicely without the reminder) made a comment which aligns with my thoughts for today. She stated:

Your body lies to you, it will tell you to quite. Focus on your motivation, your positive attitude to get through those tough times.

She also said that improving your health is a stair climb, not an elevator ride, so keep stepping. I wish it could be an elevator ride, but know in life and leadership, it is a climb.

Your motivation, your leadership, sometimes needs you to keep focused on why you are doing what you do. You need to focus on a positive attitude when days get long. And when no one gives you the positive encouragement you desire or need, when you are left feeling like what you do doesn’t matter, remember it matters. Maybe only to you at that moment, but it matters…to you!

As we enter this week of Christmas, remember, you can be the best instrument to focus yourself towards the next journey in your leadership. Motivation at Christmas means:

  1. Find a goal which becomes your motivation for doing your leadership role
  2. Focus on working a positive attitude about you and what you do.
  3. Celebrate the successes you have had even if no one else seems to appreciate you.
  4. Find a leader who has made a difference for you and share with them how much they inspire you. Paying it forward in positive comments means you can help those who have impacted you the most to be affirmed in all they did in your life and leadership.

Merry Christmas leaders…peace, joy, love at this Christmas time!

Leading with you!


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Dr Dean Prentice

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