Thanksgiving to Celebrate

This is going to be such a light blog, but I wanted to share my thoughts this week on leadership and thankfulness.

First off, I am thankful for you. I began this blog to help me and other leaders on our leadership journey. This blog is for you. And I have learned much from your comments, posts, and emails about the blog, the topics, and our friendships. I am thankful we will continue this journey together.

I am thankful for my family. They have supported my crazy desire to start a blog and put myself out there in an uncomfortable new situation and they have loved me through every step. Leadership is about relationships, and these relationships are the most important ones. They keep me humble, REGULARLY, and they keep me motivated. Both of those characteristics are vital to successful life and leadership.

I am thankful for my career. I would have never guessed where my professional journey was going to take me. I am the benefactor of all the ups and downs, the surprising gifts, and the sad endings. All of these events have made me the leader I am today. And your experiences, the good and bad, have made you the leader. Our goal now, our journey, is to shape and mold our future leadership characteristics to make us better. I am thankful for all the life experiences that have gotten me here, to this point in my life and career.

And finally, I am thankful for my former leaders and followers. Too numerous to count, but they have influenced me more too where I am today than any others. I have learned several great lessons over the years by their gentle, sometimes not so gentle, tutelage. They graciously let me make mistakes to grow me and celebrated when success was deserved.

I hope this Thanksgiving week, a time of thankfulness, that you have colleagues to support you, a family that loves and keeps you grounded, a career you are willing to invest in during the happy and sad times, and for life experiences that have shaped you.

We are taking a great journey to growing our leadership. Take this week to look for the things which you are thankful for and share them.

What are you thankful for this week?

I would love to hear it!

Leading with you!


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Dr Dean Prentice

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