
About RN2Leader

RN2Leader has grown in the last year. Thank you. To the leaders in nursing and healthcare who share their wisdom, who provided stories, and those who have guest authored, I am humbled by your talents. This blog is still growing and developing, as we all should to improve the leadership and outcomes we need professionally and personally, and to support our organizations. Here is some information about RN2Leader and where we are going as a community.

As with any journey, you start at the beginning. I thought I would answer 4 questions which guided the journey to launch RN2Leader.

  1. Who am I?
  2. Why did I start RN2Learder?
  3. What do I want to accomplish?
  4. How do you fit in?

So who am I? Well under the tab “Author” tab, I provide you a great telling of my story. But that is only one part of who I am. I am a husband, father, son, brother, professional nurse, a man of Christian faith, a semi-avid exerciser, and a lover of Pizza and Braum’s Ice Cream. I am devoted to my friends and I am passionate about developing leaders. That passion has led me to start this blog. I believe we can all improve our leadership. Nurses need a way to obtain leadership development that is supportive, challenges their thought, and strengthens their professional relationships.

Why start RN2Leader? I found some great leadership blogs, some nursing leadership blogs, but I couldn’t find one that spoke to me about what I was interested in, was applicable to my life and interest, or was useable in my personal and professional life. I wanted to create a place where nurse leaders, or any leader for that matter, could come and learn, participate, and grow in their leadership.

What do I want to accomplish? Ever the optimist, I can say naively I wish to create a group, a collaboration of colleagues, who will join and help me move nursing leadership forward. I love my calling to nursing. I don’t see nursing as a true profession…not yet. We are woefully lacking in our professional development of our leaders. And we can make a difference. It is going to take unique and innovative nursing professionals to come together, to work together, to support one another, and to propel each other forward so we move nursing forward and advance patient care. I want nurses to be the “leaders of choice” in healthcare. See more about the strategic direction of RN2Leader below.

How do you fit in? Well if I haven’t scared you off, then we are moving forward. I need you; professional nurses like you who want to see nursing and healthcare move forward towards better outcomes for patients. Leadership makes the difference. Nurses should be valued, sought after, consulted, and deferred to when it comes to nursing practice, patient care, and organizational issues.

I hope and pray you will join me. Comment, share a blog, agree, and disagree professionally. This is a safe harbor to learn as a collective group for nursing’s greater good and for the betterment of patient care. Without you and your leadership, nothing will change. Our patients’ cannot afford you not getting involved.

RN2Leader will involve blog posts and comments on leadership topics to professionally develop nurses. I invite ALL professionals to join us. These blog posts will cover and provide thoughts on leadership challenges, encouragements to leaders, and challenges to improve. I will also be doing some series of articles around a theme and invite some professionals inside and outside nursing as guest authors to provide diversity in thought. What a unique opportunity we have to learn from other disciplines.

Please feel free to contact me (Drdean@rn2leader.com) and share with me your thoughts on the site, topics you would like covered, or just to share your story! This community is about us! Together we will make a difference.

Leading with you



RN2Leader Vision
Professionally develop Nurses as leaders of choice in healthcare.

RN2Leader Mission
“RN2Leader’s mission is to help connect nurses with diverse professional development opportunities in an innovative, humorous, and respectful environment. Engaged nurses desire to improve themselves and their patient’s care. Nurses are the cornerstone of healthcare and when nurses take courageous actions to improve their leadership, then we optimistically know we can change healthcare and ultimately make a positive impact on patients.”

RN2Leader Core Values