
Photo Courtesy of trestleJeff

An Insight Into Mentoring

There is ample research out there, books, and plenty of nurse leaders who advocate for mentoring. There seems to be...

Photo Courstesy of shaneclements

Accepting Feedback: The Challenge

The challenges in leadership never seem to end. When you are working with other humans, interactions can sometimes go awry....

Photo Courtesy of Fidler Jan @

A Celebration of Nursing

Happy Nurses Week! The annual celebration of the nursing workforce is underway. If you have not had time to bask...

Picture couresty of CDN @

Risk and Failure: A Conflict in Leadership

In recent days, I have heard several stories on the news about failure. Whether it was of a child welfare...

Photo Courtesy of Doryka841102 @

A Leadership Job Should Change Some Behaviors

As I look for inspiration for things to share and as I plan future topics to cover, sometimes one just...

Picture courtesy by sky_road @

Courageous Leadership

Recent activities at work have made an impression on me about the need for courage at work. Many of us...

Photo Courtesy of Bryan Hanson @

Humility in Leadership

I have really challenged myself recently to look at my own leadership and to view it through the lens of humility....

Photo Courtesy of

Staying Positive in a Negative World

Sometimes, being a positive person is exhausting. There are days when I feel like everyone I run into is trying...

When Values Become Your Vision

Mark Sterns is founder of Passion Leaders, a collective of professionals bringing passion and leadership to business, educational and ministry...

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