Posts by Dr Dean Prentice

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Leadership Focus on Relationships

How good are you with relating to the people you lead? An odd question. But not really if you are...

"Focused", Photo courtesy of

Leading with Distinction

There is a part of us that believes the following: Your leadership will be respected, your rewards will be equivalent...

Photo courtesy of danielsampaioneto

Team Leadership, Team Diversity, Team Power: Part 3

This is part 3 of a 3 part series on transforming your team into an efficient and effective part of...

Photo Courtesy of Geralt at

Team Leadership, Team Diversity, Team Power: Part 2

This is part 2 of a 3 part series on transforming your team into an efficient and effective part of your organization....

Team Leadership, Team Diversity, Team Power: Part 1

This is part 1 of a 3 part series on transforming your team into an efficient and effective part of...

Photo Courtesy of Alexas_Fotos @

Disaster Leadership: Looking Towards Tomorrow

Disasters abound around us. In the past weeks we have seen two devastating hurricanes hit Texas and Florida, the destruction...

Photo Courtesy of Google Images

Battling to Stay Positive

There are days when I think the sole reason other people exist is try and suck the life out of...

Photo Courtesy of Stocksnap

Daydreaming Leaders

Decisions, timelines, deadlines, and constant requests for information bombard a leader constantly. From the start of the day to the...

Photo Courtesy of Madsmith33

Leaders Asking for Help…A Paradox to Integrity

On a daily basis, I bet you as a leader are engaged in such diverse discussions and decision making that...


Preparation for Perseverance

In day-to-day opportunities as leaders, some tasks or challenges require your attention, can be solved or delegated, and then you...

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